Famous 5 playlist: it's snow time!

Famous 5 playlist: it's snow time!

Superb songs on snow from bands around the world. enjoy!

Mono's pure as snow - Japan

Plant Cell's snow and Luculia - Japan

Shojoskip's glory of the snow - Japan

Astreal's Snowflake - Singapore

Wozniak's Snow Effect - UK

Some other songs that could have bee included: My Bloody Valentine's Soft as snow (but warm inside), The Cranes' Here comes the Snow, Myslovitz's The Iris sleeps under the snow ... and many others

Shojoskip 少女スキップ (Japan): Happy post-gaze

Shojoskip 少女スキップ (Japan): Happy post-gaze

Conversation with Alpha du Centaure (France, Post-Rock)

Conversation with Alpha du Centaure (France, Post-Rock)